Car air conditioning repair

Are you experiencing problems with your Car Air Conditioning, i.e. it’s not turning on, not working effectively etc. We can help, call us or free to call in at Croft Garage and we can book you in to look at your car and help diagnose the problem, and fix it.

Garages in Cheltenham

Car air conditioning services include:

• Regassing
• Emptying and refilling
• Diagnostics test for problems

Car air conditioning

All types vehicles for the majority of cars, only exceptions are air conditioning for cars manufactured in the early 1990’s, due to obsolete gas needed to fill the air conditioning, which we are no longer allowed by law to refill older car air conditioning units with. New gas that we use is R134A.

Garages in Cheltenham

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Genuine and totally reliable. Follow-up work when necessary and great value. They've looked after my cars for years and never had any problems

Max Smith


We have been running our garage in Cheltenham for many years priding ourselves on offering a highly professional service from experienced mechanics. What is more we believe that top quality car servicing, MOT and repair doesn’t have to come at exhorbitant prices. Book your car in today on 01242 523 310 or click the button below to send us a message.